Thursday, June 24, 2010

And what a Council Meeting it was...

It has taken me hours to internalize last night's Council Meeting. Even though the Council voted back half the cut to the Schools, the Schools need to find $600,000+ in savings. You may remember that Dr. Lusi presented $800,000+ which included no sports, extra curricular, reduced FTEs etc; which the School Committee could not accept. I'm not sure if $600,000 isn't down that same path...

I feel a bit boxed-in and I think the School Committee will have a great deal of difficulty finding this money. Second, I am not sure if the Council will stand by their Provisional Vote because I think some members were not certain on what they were voting on. Third, there simply isn't enough support or concern from the parents. While I thank those who showed up last night, this is our budget and our school system. If we want great schools we need to come out and support them. We need a concerted effort to get everyone to the July 14th Public Meeting at the Little Theater (Portsmouth Middle School). I still believe we have a fight on our hands, so don't switch the channel off for the summer. Thanks!

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